Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I am insane when I sleep

Hokay, another dream post. This is only a fragment of the dream; I don't remember any more than this.

I was trespassing in someone's house while they were away, using their computer. I started to get worried that they'd come back and find me, so I left... and right as I got to the door, the family that lived there got back. I said, "Oh, hi," and held the door for them as they entered the house, then ran like mad. It was winter, and snow covered everything. I ran through the town while small children threw snowballs at me. In my dreams, the universe doesn't work right, so some of the children were quite easily throwing snowballs twice the diameter of a basketball. All this time I was worrying that I'd get arrested. I saw my parents' house across the street, but woke up before I got inside. I was so freaked out by the dream that I had to tell myself "I don't have to worry. That didn't happen."

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